Anti-Corruption & Gifts Policy

1. Introduction

SOLS Foundation is committed to conduct its foundation and affiliated business entities with integrity.

SOLS Foundation has developed its Anti-Corruption Gifts Guidelines (“Guidelines”) in line with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, in accordance with the commitment. All representatives acting on the behalf of SOLS Foundation in any capacity, including staff, teachers, legal guardians & volunteers, must comply with the terms of this document when engaging or conducting all activities associated with SOLS Foundation.

SOLS Foundation condemns bribery and corruption in all forms. All representatives of SOLS Foundation shall take all measures and precautions to prevent corrupt practices in all activities and dealings associated with SOLS Foundation.

All representatives of SOLS Foundation & organisations affiliated with any forthcoming, ongoing or past projects should not explicitly seek to commit or omit acts that are construed in lieu of monetary benefits which may or may not impair their rationale of judgements that may or may not affect the business operations.

2. Gifts Solicitation

SOLS Foundation accepts donations, sponsorship, funds, and gifts for purposes that will help the organization further and fulfill its social mission. SOLS Foundation urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to any of the aforementioned types of support, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences.

The following are guidelines of acceptance of gifts made to SOLS Foundation for the benefit of any of its operations, programs or services:

  1. The Board of Trustees and Directors of SOLS Foundation are not allowed to receive gifts, in the form of products, monetary or promises, of any sorts for any reasons whatsoever. Invitations or offerings by any party in the form of, including but not limited to, trials, testings, samples, or any other matters related to the act of giving a gift must be declined. SOLS Foundation would not be responsible should any Board member or Director be implicated on the act of receiving any form of gifts whilst acting on the capacity of representing SOLS Foundation at any point of time.
  2. Gifts to employees of SOLS Foundation, other than Directors as specified under item 2.1, should not amount to more than RM 150 at any time and must be declared to the immediate supervisor and the supervisor has to notify the HR and Accounts department.
  3. Donation, Sponsorship and Funds to SOLS Foundation will be declared by SOLS Foundation to the specific and respective authorities including but not limited to the Tax Department (LHDN).

3. Review of Gifts

SOLS Foundation will review gifts, donations, funds & grants of all kinds with the Board of Directors or may seek the advice of legal counsels, in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate.

4. Restrictions on Gifts

SOLS Foundation will not accept gifts that:

  1. would result in violation of its corporate charter,
  2. would result in SOLS Foundation’s loss of its status under Section 2, Act 258 not-for-profit organization meant for education.
  3. are too difficult or too expensive to administer in relation to their value,
  4. would result in any unacceptable consequences for the organisation, or
  5. are for purposes outside the organisation’s mission.

Decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Executive Director.

SOLS 24/7 means and includes Science of Life Studies 247 its holding, subsidiary and related companies Science of Life Systems 247 Sdn. Bhd., SOLS Foundation, SOLS smart Sdn. Bhd., SOLS Energy Sdn. Bhd., Social Empresa Sdn. Bhd.

THIS POLICY will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis and followed by a case to case self-evaluation.

For further information regarding our Anti-Corruption and Gifts Policy,