4 Reasons We Need Social Skills

4 Reasons We Need Social Skills

1. We can be amazing workers. But no one wants to work with someone they don’t like. 

Most jobs, 80% of them, are gotten through social connections. People like to work with friends. We like to work with people we like. We can study hard and be very smart. It would be better for us if we studied how to be likable too though. 


2. The most efficient workplaces are the ones where everyone talks well. 

There’s no point in being able to change how operations work if nobody talks to us about it. Workplaces where there’s lots of talk make us better teams. We’re much more productive as a team. It’s not always the teams with the best players who win. It’s the teams that work best together. 




3. Our social skills aren’t automatically good. 

In school we have lots of friends because we’re around lots of people. We have lots of choices about who we spend time with. It isn’t the same in an office. We don’t have many friends to choose from, and we need to understand how to work as a team even if we don’t always like the people we work with. Talking with people we don’t like and finding out how we’re like one another takes practice. If we can find ways that we’re similar we’re more likely to have an organic relationship. A relationship we don’t have to force. 


4. There’s many kinds of social skills. If we’re good at lots of them, we’ll be better workers.

We can be good at reading body language, or good at asking questions, or really great listeners. It’s great if we can talk well with our friends. It’s a lot better if we can talk well with strangers from different cultures. If we can talk with anyone, we’ll do well in any workplace.


We at SOLS 24/7 teach social skills, along with English, and technology.

These are the most useful skills in today’s economy, come try one of our classes and learn to be your best.

Written by:  Marcomms Intern, Jack Seaberry

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