Asia is the part of the world which includes most of the world's NGOs - and for good reason! The social challenges on this continent are tremendous and need urgent solutions.
Fortunately there is not a shortage of good people trying to do good things for people in need. As you will see, there are prolific NGOs which are doing fantastic work in changing the fate of less fortunate communities and individuals.
Here are some of the most influential and effective NGOs in Southeast Asia - in no particular order...

SOLS is one of the best NGOs in Southeast Asia. Based in Malaysia, SOLS 24/7 is an award-winning humanitarian organization committed to serve, educate and empower poor and underserved communities.
Through various education and social empowerment programs, SOLS 24/7 works unconditionally towards transforming underserved communities to develop their true potential and break the cycle of poverty.
Using revolutionary and custom-designed models (such as Science of Languages, Science of Technology and Science of Life, to name a few), this NGO provides free education and social empowerment programs to underserved communities in Malaysia.
SOLS 24/7 has managed to train over 325,000 students, established over 100 training centres and currently enlists over 200 full-time team members from more than 50 countries.
#2 - BRAC (the former Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)

BRAC is more than a reference in the world of NGOs. It is leading the entire nonprofit world toward the next degree of efficacy and leverage.
While still involved in the microfinance space, the organization has surely and steadily diversified into a wide suite of activities. From agriculture to food security, from education to legal aid, from climate change to risk reduction, from livelihoods support to maternal and child health, BRAC seems to be everywhere, helping the needy.
The term “NGO” is no longer sufficient to describe what BRAC is becoming - it is transitioning into a movement in itself.

ACUMEN is one of the most effective NGOs fighting against poverty. Their desire was to transform the world of philanthropy by looking at all human beings not as distant strangers, but as members of a single, global community. This community would be one where everyone has the opportunity to build a life of dignity, with enough resources to live at least a normal life.
Acumen raises charitable donations for investing in companies, leaders, and ideas which are changing the way the world tackles poverty.
They have developed an investment model and a leadership model which drastically increase the chances of their success and of the people they are serving.
#4 - Danish Refugee Council

The Danish Refugee Council NGO was formed after the devastation of World War II and the European refugee crisis triggered by the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. This NGO has been a constant, trusted presence in the humanitarian sphere for over 50 years.
Over the last five years DRC has pushed steadily and surely to become one of the best organizations in the world when it comes to transparency and accountability.
#5 - Partners In Health

Partners In Health has the mission to provide a preferential option for the poor regarding their health care.
Whether to Liberia, Rwanda, or any of the countries they work and live, Partners In Health go where they are needed most. They care for patients in their homes and communities and work in close partnership with local government officials and the world’s leading medical and academic institutions.
More importantly, they stay committed to accompanying the people and communities they serve for the long term, hence achieving a long-lasting, meaningful impact.
These are just a few of the NGOs which are changing the lives of countless humans born into less fortunate circumstances. The opportunities are endless when it comes to improving the lives of others - so if you want to have an impact, do not hesitate to start today with one of the NGOs enlisted in this article!
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