What Do Kids Want?

What Do Kids Want?

Children’s brains are more flexible than ours.

But because of this the changes that happen to them are more likely to stick. Adults don’t change as easily. This makes them more resistant to anything that might happen to them. Children need protection from bad changes, and help towards good changes.


Children want to be taught.

They play so that they can learn about the world. They ask lots of questions because they want to learn. 



Children learn more than we realize.

There is an expression, ‘do as I say, not as I do’. Children don’t do what they’re told, they do what they see other people doing. If they see that everyone is always on their phones, they’ll want to do the same. If nobody talks to them, they won’t talk to anyone.


Children hate school because they can’t learn there.

Teachers teach lessons which children don’t understand, or don’t think are important. They teach math and grammar when kids are still wondering about how to socialize best. Children don’t get taught life skills, they get taught to jump through hoops so that society will take them seriously. Schools teach on a ‘one size fits nobody’ model. Classes assume that everyone learns everything the same way. Nobody learns the same way. We all learn differently. Because the children can’t engage properly with the material, they don’t engage at all.


Children hate to be bored.

Children need to be played with to be engaged. Without this engagement they’ll start doing disruptive activities instead. Anything to keep boredom at bay.


Written by: Marcomms Intern, Jack Seaberry

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