Life At Work Awards by TalentCorp
Obama Foundation Scholars, Columbia University - New York
The Aspen Institute & HP Digital Equity Accelerator: Pitch Fest
The Aspen Institute & HP Digital Equity Accelerator: Pitch Fest
Best Sustainability Leader awarded by EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (EUMCCI)
Astro Uruthunai Award
The BrandLaureate CSR BrandLeadership Awards
Social Entrepreneur of the Year, SME & Entrepreneurship Business Awards
UNESCO Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation
Golden Globe Tigers Summit NGO Leader Award
First Malaysian – International Ford Motor Company Fellowship by 92Y, Columbia University, New York
Commonwealth Youth Worker for the Asian Region
Europa Sustainability Award for Best Education Program – EUMCCI
From Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and President of Timor Leste, Dr Jose Ramos Horta for SOLS 24/7′s efforts in Timor Leste
KLue Blue Chilli Award Malaysia
Youth Social Enterprise Fellowship – GKP
The Youth & ICT Award – Global Knowledge Partnership
The Youth Action Net Award – International Youth Foundation
2019 年 7 月 3 日,经过 19 年的服务、教育和赋权,我们的创始人兼首席执行官 Raj Ridvan Singh 老师和总监 Tim Spijker 先生有机会向第七届马来西亚首相敦马哈迪展示我们的英语教育计划和解决方案。
我们与 YAB Tun Mahathir 分享了我们对改变马来西亚各地公立学校的英语水平和数位素养的前景。